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Outdoor Furniture & Decking Summer Care Guide

Decking Summer Care Guide

Outdoor Furniture & Decking Summer Care Guide

As the warm rays of the sun beckon us outdoors, it’s time to embrace the joy of summer and make the most of our outdoor living spaces. When you have a uPVC deck, a proper Outdoor Furniture & Decking Summer Care Guide with cleaning and maintenance are essential to ensure its longevity and keep them looking its best. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the art of caring for both uPVC decking and outdoor furniture during the summer months.

Why is it important to pay attention to the cleanliness and maintenance of your uPVC decking and outdoor furniture, you might ask? Well, beyond the aesthetic appeal, these surfaces are exposed to the elements, battling against the scorching sun, torrential rains, and the occasional unexpected gust of wind. Without proper care, they can accumulate dirt, grime, and even stubborn stains, diminishing their visual charm and, in some cases, compromising their structural integrity.

Understanding uPVC Decking and Outdoor Furniture

Before we embark on the journey of cleaning and maintaining uPVC decking and outdoor furniture, it’s important to familiarise ourselves with these materials and understand their unique characteristics.

1. uPVC Decking

uPVC decking, short for unplasticised polyvinyl chloride, has gained popularity as a durable and low-maintenance option for outdoor decks. Unlike traditional wooden decking, uPVC decking is resistant to rot, warping, and insect damage. It offers excellent weather resistance, making it suitable for various climates. Additionally, uPVC decking is available in a wide range of colours and finishes, allowing you to create a customised and aesthetically pleasing outdoor space.

2. Outdoor Garden Furniture

Outdoor furniture comes in a diverse array of materials, each with its own set of advantages and maintenance requirements. Common materials include wood, metal (such as aluminium or wrought iron), plastic (such as polyethene or polypropylene), and wicker. Each material has unique characteristics in terms of durability, weather resistance, and maintenance needs. Understanding the specific properties of your outdoor furniture will help you choose the appropriate cleaning and care methods.

3. Importance of Cleaning and Care

Regular cleaning and maintenance are vital for both uPVC decking and outdoor furniture to ensure their longevity and preserve their visual appeal. Neglecting proper care can result in the accumulation of dirt, stains, and grime, which can degrade the materials over time and compromise their structural integrity. By dedicating some time and effort to cleaning and maintaining these surfaces, you can extend their lifespan and enjoy an inviting and well-maintained outdoor space.

Now that we have a foundational understanding of uPVC decking and outdoor furniture, let’s move on to the practical aspects of cleaning and caring for them during the summer months.

Prepping for Cleaning

Before diving into the actual cleaning process, it’s important to properly prepare both your uPVC decking and outdoor furniture. This preparation ensures a smooth and effective cleaning experience. Follow these steps to get ready for the cleaning process:

1. Gather the cleaning supplies.

Take stock of the cleaning supplies you’ll need for the task at hand. For uPVC decking, you may require a broom or leaf blower for removing loose debris, a soft-bristle brush or mop, mild soap, uPVC-specific cleaner (such as Washbomb all-purpose cleaner), and a hose or bucket for rinsing. For outdoor furniture, the supplies may include a broom or brush, mild soap, appropriate cleaners based on the furniture material, soft cloths or sponges, and a hose for rinsing.

2. Clear the deck and furniture

Remove any furniture, planters, or other items from the uPVC decking surface. Clearing the deck allows you to have unobstructed access to the entire area during the cleaning process. Similarly, for outdoor furniture, remove any cushions, pillows, or removable parts. This step ensures that you can clean all surfaces thoroughly and prevents damage to the furniture or cushions.

3. Consider weather conditions

Check the weather forecast to choose an appropriate time for cleaning. It’s ideal to clean uPVC decking and outdoor furniture on a dry, mild day without direct sunlight. Cleaning under direct sunlight may cause cleaning solutions to dry quickly, leaving residue behind. Additionally, avoid cleaning during rainy or windy conditions as it can hinder the effectiveness of the cleaning process.

Decking Summer Care Guide, man cleaning decking, Mayfield Decking

Cleaning Methods for uPVC Decking and Outdoor Furniture

In this section, we’ll delve into the various cleaning methods you can employ to keep your uPVC decking and outdoor furniture looking clean and well-maintained.

1. Cleaning uPVC Decking

Basic Cleaning of your Decking

  • Start by sweeping or using a leaf blower to remove loose debris like leaves, twigs, and dirt from the uPVC decking surface.
  • Prepare a mixture of mild soap and water in a bucket.
  • Use a soft-bristle brush or a mop to scrub the uPVC decking gently, paying attention to any stains or heavily soiled areas.
  • Rinse the deck thoroughly with clean water using a hose or bucket.

Deep Cleaning your Deck

  • For stubborn stains or grime, consider using a uPVC-specific cleaner such as Washbomb. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for dilution ratios and application methods.
  • Apply the cleaner to the affected areas and scrub with a soft brush or sponge.
  • Rinse off the cleaner thoroughly with clean water to ensure no residue is left behind.

Pressure Washing Decking (if applicable)

  • Use caution when using a pressure washer on uPVC decking, as excessive pressure can damage the surface.
  • Choose a low-pressure setting and maintain a safe distance from the deck while spraying.
  • After pressure washing, rinse the deck with water to remove any remaining dirt or detergent.

2. Cleaning Outdoor Furniture

Basic Outdoor Furniture Cleaning

  • Remove cushions or upholstery from the outdoor furniture, if applicable.
  • Use a broom or brush to sweep away loose dirt and debris from the furniture surfaces.
  • Prepare a mixture of mild soap and water in a bucket.
  • Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the soapy solution and gently scrub the furniture, paying attention to any stains or spots.
  • Rinse the furniture thoroughly with clean water using a hose or a damp cloth.

Deep Cleaning your Outdoor Furniture 

  • Consider the specific material of your outdoor furniture.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations or use appropriate cleaning products specifically designed for the furniture material. Washbomb All-Purpose Cleaner is ideal for this. 
  • Apply the cleaner to a soft cloth or sponge and scrub the furniture surfaces gently.
  • Rinse off the cleaning solution thoroughly with clean water.

Outdoor Furniture Stain Removal

  • For stubborn stains on outdoor furniture, try using specific stain removers or DIY solutions recommended for the furniture material.
  • Follow the instructions provided with the stain remover or use the DIY solution as directed.
  • Rinse the furniture thoroughly after stain removal to ensure all residue is removed.

Summer-Specific Decking Cleaning Tips

Summer brings its own set of challenges when it comes to cleaning and maintaining uPVC decking and outdoor furniture. In this section, we’ll address some specific concerns and provide tips to keep your outdoor spaces looking their best throughout the summer months.

Protecting your Deck against the sun

  1. Understand the impact of sunlight: Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause fading, discolouration, and even degradation of uPVC decking and certain materials used in outdoor furniture.
  2. Use UV-protective sealants or coatings: Apply a UV-protective sealant or coating to uPVC decking to minimise the effects of UV rays and maintain its colour and integrity.
  3. Add shading elements: Consider using umbrellas, pergolas, or shade sails to provide additional protection for your outdoor furniture from direct sunlight.

Dealing with pollen and organic stains

  1. Recognise the challenge of pollen: During summer, pollen can accumulate on outdoor furniture, leaving unsightly stains and a gritty residue.
  2. Regular cleaning: Implement a regular cleaning routine to remove pollen and prevent it from staining the surfaces.
  3. Effective removal of organic stains: Use mild soap, warm water, and a soft brush or cloth to gently scrub away organic stains caused by pollen, leaves, or other natural elements.

Congratulations! You are now equipped with the knowledge and techniques to effectively clean and maintain your uPVC decking and outdoor furniture during the summer season. By following the tips and methods outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your outdoor spaces remain pristine, inviting, and ready for enjoyment.

Remember, regular cleaning and maintenance are key to preserving the longevity and beauty of your uPVC decking and outdoor furniture. Whether it’s removing dirt and debris, or protecting against summer-specific challenges like sun damage and pollen, a proactive approach will help you maintain a clean and well-maintained outdoor oasis.

Get in touch with Mayfield for more information about caring for your decking. Alternatively, if you’d like to read more about Washbomb decking cleaner, visit this link.


Q: Why is it important to pay attention to the cleanliness and maintenance of uPVC decking and outdoor furniture?

A: Proper cleanliness and maintenance are important for the longevity and visual appeal of uPVC decking and outdoor furniture. Neglecting care can lead to dirt accumulation, stains, and compromised structural integrity.

Q: What is uPVC decking?

A: uPVC decking stands for unplasticised polyvinyl chloride. It’s a durable and low-maintenance option resistant to rot, warping, and insect damage. It comes in various colors and finishes, allowing for a customized outdoor space.

Q: What materials are commonly used for outdoor garden furniture?

A: Outdoor furniture can be made of wood, metal (such as aluminum or wrought iron), plastic (such as polyethylene or polypropylene), or wicker. Each material has unique characteristics, durability, weather resistance, and maintenance needs.

Q: Why is regular cleaning and maintenance important for uPVC decking and outdoor furniture?

A: Regular cleaning and maintenance help preserve the longevity and visual appeal of uPVC decking and outdoor furniture. Neglecting care can result in dirt accumulation, stains, and degradation of materials over time.

Q: How should I prepare uPVC decking and outdoor furniture for cleaning?

A: Gather cleaning supplies suitable for the task, clear the deck and furniture of any items, and choose a suitable weather condition for cleaning to ensure effective results.

Q: What are the basic steps for cleaning uPVC decking?

A: Start by removing loose debris, prepare a mild soap and water mixture, gently scrub the decking, and rinse thoroughly with clean water. For stubborn stains, consider using a uPVC-specific cleaner and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Q: How can I deep clean uPVC decking?

A: For stubborn stains or grime, use a uPVC-specific cleaner and scrub with a soft brush or sponge. Rinse the deck thoroughly to remove any residue.

Q: What precautions should I take when pressure washing uPVC decking?

A: Use caution and choose a low-pressure setting to avoid damaging the surface. Maintain a safe distance from the deck while spraying and rinse with water afterward to remove any remaining dirt or detergent.

Q: What are the basic steps for cleaning outdoor furniture?

A: Remove loose dirt and debris, prepare a mild soap and water mixture, gently scrub the furniture surfaces, and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Q: How can I deep clean outdoor furniture?

A: Consider the specific material of your outdoor furniture and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations or use appropriate cleaning products. Scrub gently and rinse off the cleaning solution thoroughly.

Q: How can I remove stubborn stains from outdoor furniture?

A: Use specific stain removers or DIY solutions recommended for the furniture material. Follow the instructions provided and rinse thoroughly afterward to remove all residue.

Q: How can I protect uPVC decking from the sun?

A: Apply a UV-protective sealant or coating to minimise the effects of UV rays. Consider adding shading elements such as umbrellas, pergolas, or shade sails.

Q: How do I deal with pollen and organic stains on outdoor furniture?

A: Implement a regular cleaning routine to remove pollen and prevent staining. Use mild soap, warm water, and a soft brush or cloth to gently scrub away organic stains caused by pollen, leaves, or other natural elements.

Q: Can you recommend a specific cleaner for uPVC decking and outdoor furniture?

A: Washbomb All-Purpose Cleaner is an ideal choice for uPVC decking and can also be used for outdoor furniture. However, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and suitability for your specific materials.

Q: How often should I clean uPVC decking and outdoor furniture during the summer?

A: Regular cleaning is recommended, but the frequency may depend on factors like weather conditions, usage, and the accumulation of dirt. Aim for at least a monthly cleaning routine for optimal maintenance.